

ODEN (おでん) is a Japanese supposedly winter dish consisting of several ingredients such as boiled eggs, DAIKON, radish, KONNYAKU, and processed fish cakes stewed in a light, soy-flavored DASHI broth. KARASHI (Japanese mustard) is often used as a condiment.

Ingredients vary according to region and between each household. So what defines an ODAWARA ODEN? My understanding is that there are 2 criteria that needs to be met. One must be able to enjoy 1) SURIMI products from one of the 13 officially registered KAMABOKO companies and 2) UME-MISO as a codiment.

* Surimi is a fish-based food product intended to mimic the texture and color of the meat of lobster, crab and other shellfish.

This is the entrance to ODAWARA ODEN. At first glance, the entrance is too gorgeous but once you go in, a family atmosphere will be waiting for you. So no need to stop but just walk in!

Phone 0465-20-0320 (Note: high chance English is not acceptable)
Address 3-11-30 Hamacho, Odawara-City 


Rather cheap. One dish is from 300-600 yen.

Example of DISH

Vegetable ODEN Dish
You can enjoy various fresh vegetables in DASHI broth.

Cabbage Cheese ODEN
This is one special cuisine - one you cannot find in an authentic ODEN place.

Single Item Order
One can order single item at a time. DAIKON, ATSUAGE, GANMO is a typical ingredient.

ODEN place usually does not serve SUSHI but this place is special. One of the master's family runs a SUSHI place and he makes this special AJI-ZUSHI. One must item you should try out!

CHASHITSU de Lunch(茶室 de ランチ)
The only room that you can reserve is the CHASHITSU (tea-ceremony room). There is a small Japanese garden in between the main dining and CHASHITSU. Lunch at CHASHITSU is 2,800 YEN.

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